Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam 14th Edition PDF
Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam 14th Edition PDF
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eBook Details :
- Categories: Technique - Construction
- Year: 2014
- Edition: 14
- Publisher: PPI, A Kaplan Company; Fourteenth edition (July 1, 2014)
- Language: English
- Pages: 1584
- ISBN 10: 1591264537
- ISBN 13: 9781591264538
- File: PDF, 38.27 MB
The "Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam, 14th Edition" is a comprehensive study guide for the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) Exam in Civil Engineering. It is written by Michael R. Lindeburg, PE, a renowned author of engineering exam study guides, and is designed to help civil engineering professionals prepare for and pass the PE exam.
The book includes over 1,100 practice problems with detailed solutions, as well as useful tables, charts, and figures to aid in studying. The material is organized into chapters that correspond to the exam's subject areas, including:
- Water Resources and Environmental
- Geotechnical
- Structural
- Transportation
- Construction
Each chapter includes an overview of the relevant concepts, equations, and formulas that are likely to appear on the exam, as well as sample problems and solutions that illustrate how to apply them. Additionally, there are appendices that provide additional reference materials, such as unit conversions, soil classification systems, and structural design codes.
The "Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam, 14th Edition" is a comprehensive and authoritative resource that is widely regarded as one of the best study guides available for the PE exam in civil engineering.